15 April 2015

Area-Efficient Arithmetic Expression Evaluation - VLSI

Project Title: - Area-Efficient Arithmetic Expression Evaluation Using Deeply Pipelined Floating-Point Cores

Abstract :- :-

Recently, it has become possible to implement floating-point cores on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to provide acceleration for the myriad applications that require high-performance floating-point arithmetic. To achieve high clock rates, floating-point cores for FPGAs must be deeply pipelined. This deep pipelining makes it difficult to reuse the same floating-point core for a series of dependent computations. However, floating-point cores use a great deal of area, so it is important to use as few of them in an architecture as possible. In this paper, we describe area-efficient architectures and algorithms for arithmetic expression evaluation. Such expression evaluation is necessary in applications from a wide variety of fields, including scientific computing and cognition. While best-suited for particular classes of expressions, the proposed designs can evaluate general expressions as well. Additionally, multiple expressions can be evaluated without reconfiguration. Experimental results show that the areas of our designs increase linearly with the number of types of operations in the expression and that our designs occupy less area and achieve higher throughput than designs generated by a commercial hardware complier.   

Block Diagram

VLSI Project Topics

Existing Sytem

Developing high-performance floating-point designs on FPGAs is still challenging. Because of their complexity, the floating-point cores have very large areas.

Proposed System

In this paper, we propose a high-performance and area-efficient solution to the arithmetic expression evaluation problem.

·        Arithmetic processor
·        DSP

Software Used
·        Modelsim : Simulation Software


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